Friday, November 16, 2007

The BALANE Party By-Laws






WE, who earnestly desire and envision, with the aid of Divine Providence, the emergence of the Novo Ecijano as the New Filipino in a New Philippine Republic - one that is peaceful, stable, progressive and self-reliant; where justice and the rule of law reign at all times; one that puts the people’s interest and welfare first and foremost; where the rights and duties of every citizen are recognized and accounted for; one that is founded on utmost respect for human dignity; and where national honor is the core and soul of the New Filipino - hereby organize ourselves into the Bagong Lakas Ng Nueva Ecija.

A R T I C L E 1


Section 1. The formal name of the Party shall be BAGONG LAKAS NG NUEVA ECIJA.

Section 2. The short name shall be “BALANE”.

A R T I C L E 2


Section 1. The Party adopts and adheres to the following guiding principles for the establishment of a Philippine society committed to freedom and democracy and to the improvement of the quality of life of all Filipinos, especially the poor and disadvantaged:

(1) PEACE - Peace as an end and peaceful means to achieve the objectives of the Party. This shall also mean freedom from violence and the use of active non-violence to achieve the objectives of the Party.

(2) PROGRESS - Progress not only for individuals but for the masses as a whole. This shall also mean provisions for opportunities to better oneself in accordance with our democratic environment but in tandem with the social justice principle.

(3) JUSTICE - Giving to each one his due. This also presupposes accountability for public officers and duty to country for every citizen.

(4) HONOR - National honor and dignity as the highest principle. This transcends politics, economics or even personal honor. This also means self-worth, self-respect, integrity and dignity.

Section 2. The Party, believing that the most basic human need is food without which survival is impossible, ensures food security for the Filipinos.

Section 3. The Party, underscoring the need for free marketplaces of ideas, adopts a policy of free college education in state universities and colleges.

Section 4. The Party adheres to the following programs of governance:

- Subsidized housing and/or mass housing with “Balik-Probinsya” and commercial tree plantation as components;

- Urban land reform and renewal;

- Entrepreneurship projects in all subdivisions, instrumentalities, branches and agencies of government;

- Transactional transparency and accountability programs for all public officers in all subdivisions, instrumentalities, branches or agencies of government;

- Negotiation, arbitration, mediation, and amicable settlement as the principal method/means of conflict resolution;

- Moratorium and/or restructuring of foreign and domestic debts;

- Investment and employment programs with the public and private sectors as lead agents of stability and change;

- Effective and accountable corporate governance in the national and local governments;

- Maximum utilization of time (Maxitime) and all available natural resources within the context of a rational and comprehensive pro-environment program;

- A national, consensual population management program;

- Medical and social custody as new concepts in the containment of drugs, health, or domestic violence problems;

- Provision for a comprehensive OFW program;

- Total gun ban policy;

- Provision for a national sports program;

- Barangay development as the core, focus and model of national development;

- Provision for a networking system between private and public, domestic or foreign employers and colleges or universities to ensure employment of students after graduation;

- Rationalization of wage, interest, and price policies to spur consumer spending, raise taxes and over-all economic growth;

- Provision for energy and technology security;

- Priority for mass transport and research and development or personal transporters;

- Total ban on the sex and illegal drugs industry;

- Provision for individual health and educational services;

- Electoral reforms

A R T I C L E 3


Section 1. It shall be understood that membership in the Lapiang Balane shall be both a privilege and a responsibility.

Section 2. Any Filipino can apply for Party membership provided that he is at least fifteen (15) years of age and adheres without reservation whatsoever to Party ideology, objectives, policies, and willing to submit to Party discipline.

Section 3. Application for membership shall be filed with the Membership Committee of the Party which shall conduct adequate screening of the applicant in accord with its duly issued policies and guidelines. The nominations and recommendations of the Membership Committee shall then be transmitted to the Executive Committee for final approval. It is understood however that the Chairman of the Party may directly accept applications for membership and act thereon after consultation with the members of the Executive Committee.

Section 4. New members shall be inducted and their oath of affiliation administered by any ranking official of the Party according to procedures prescribed by the Membership Committee. The Oath of Affiliation of every member of the Party shall be as follows:

“I, __________________, do hereby solemnly swear that I will uphold and advance the principles, objectives and program of the BALANE, abide by its Constitution, raise its prestige and widen its influence among the people, that I will fight for the interests of our country and people and serve them wholeheartedly and unselfishly to the best of my ability.” So help me God.

A R T I C L E 4


Section 1. A bona fide member of the Party in good standing shall have the following rights and privileges:

1.a) To nominate, vote and elect officers of the Party in meetings wherein he is entitled to vote under and by virtue of this Constitution and the By-Laws, and/or by the rules and regulations duly issued by the Party; and to be nominated, elected or appointed for any Party position or office for which he is qualified;

1.b) To be informed of official Party matters and to have full access to services, facilities and resources of the Party;

1.c) To be accorded proper protection by the Party whenever his civil and political rights as a Party member are violated;

1.d) To recommend to the Membership Committee candidates for membership to the Party;

1.e) To petition for the imposition of appropriate disciplinary measure on erring Party members.

Section 2. A Party member shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

2.a) To adhere at all times and to promote the vision, principles, ideals, and the platform of the Party;

2.b) To obey the orders and directives of the duly elected officers and duly constituted governing bodies of the Party;

2.c) To regularly attend meetings, official Party activities and functions wherein his presence is required;

2.d) To actively and wholeheartedly support and campaign for the official candidates of the Party in every election;

2.e) To pay his membership fees, monthly dues, and other assessments as may be duly approved by the Party;

2.f) To report any information that may affect the interest of the Party;

2.g) To observe organizational discipline.

2.h) To observe and obey the Party Code of Conduct.

A R T I C L E 5


Section 1. No Party member shall be suspended or expelled except for a valid cause and after proper hearing and due process by the organ of the Party duly organized and constituted for such purpose.

Section 2. A Party member may be reprimanded or suspended if he commits any of the following acts:

2.a) Lack of interest or unwillingness to participate in Party activities and functions;

2.b) Non-payment of membership dues and other special assessments;

2.c) Other inimical acts as may be determined by the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Party member shall be expelled if he commits any of the following acts:

3.a) Disloyalty to the Party;

3.b) Culpable violation of this Constitution and the By-Laws of the Party;

3.c) Unjustified and prolonged failure to discharge his duties and responsibilities;

3.d) Conviction by final judgment of a competent court of a crime involving moral turpitude;

3.f) Other inimical acts meriting the penalty of expulsion as may be determined by the Executive Committee.

Section 4. The Executive Committee shall formulate and issue the appropriate implementing rules and regulations for imposing Party discipline

A R T I C L E 6


Section 1. BALANE’s organizational structure shall consist of the following:

1.a) The Provincial Assembly which is the highest governing body of the Party shall be composed of all the bona fide members of the Party.

1.b) The Provincial Council which is its second highest governing body of the Party shall be composed of all elected Party members not lower than the City/Municipal Councilors.

1.c) The Executive Board which shall be composed of all elected Party Members not lower than City/ Municipal Vice-Mayors

1.d) The Executive Committee which is the Party’s implementing organ and responsible for the overall day to day management and administration of the Party.

1.e) The District Chapters which shall consist of all bonafide members of the Party in the four (4) Congressional Districts and chaired by the highest elected party member in the concerned District or District Chairman.

1.f) The City/Municipal Chapter which shall consist of Barangay Chapters and which shall be chaired by the highest elected party member in the City/Municipality as a Municipal Chairman.

1.g) The Barangay Chapter is the basic unit of the party which shall consist of all bona fide members of the Party within the concerned Barangay and whose Chairman shall be designated by the Executive Committee of the Party.

1.h) The Kababaihan chapter which shall consist of all bonafide Party members from the women’s sector and whose Chairwoman shall be designated by the Executive Committee of the Party.

A R T I C L E 7


Section 1. The Provincial Assembly shall be the highest governing body of the BALANE. It shall be convened at least once a year.

Section 2. The powers and functions of the Provincial Assembly include the following:

2.a) To propose and amend the Program and Constitution and by laws of the Party;

2.b) To ratify the election of the members of the Executive Committee by the previous council within 30 days from such election which an objection(s) has been advanced in to the Provincial Council.

2.c) To ratify the list of candidates for elective position to be fielded by the party as well as other candidates who may be supported by the party as recommended by the Executive Committee; and

2.d) To decide on any matter submitted to it by the Executive Committee.

A R T I C L E 8


Section 1. The Provincial Council shall be the second highest governing body of the Party. It shall regularly meet quarterly or as decided upon by the Executive Committee.

Section 2. The powers and functions of the Provincial Council are the following:

2.a) To submit reports and recommendations to the Provincial Assembly;

2.b) To adopt reports and recommendations of the Executive Committee and approve plans of actions; and

2.c) To decide on important issues affecting the people and the party.

2.d) To elect the officers and members of the Executive Committee.

A R T I C L E 9


Section 1. The Executive Board shall be the third highest governing body of the Party. It shall regularly meet quarterly or as decided upon by the Executive Committee.

Section 2. The powers and functions of the Executive Board are the following:

2.a) To submit reports and recommendations to the Provincial Council;

2.b) To adopt reports and recommendations of the Executive Committee and approve plans of actions; and

2.c) To decide on important issues affecting the people and the party.

A R T I C L E 10


Section 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the following:

a) The Party Chairman, who shall be elected by a majority vote of the provincial council in an election duly called for the purpose by the executive committee. The presiding officer for the said election shall be the outgoing chairman or in his absence, the highest national or local elective public official of the party;

a.1) The Chairman Emeritus - There is hereby designated an honorary Chairman, who shall be recognized as the elder statesman and adviser of the lapiang BALANE even after retirement from office.

b) The four (4) Congressional District Chairmen who shall be designated as Party Vice-Chairmen.

c) The party member who was elected as member of Provincial Board who garnered the highest number of votes;

d) The party member who was elected as President of the Mayors League;

e) The party member who was elected as President of the Vice-Mayors League;

f) The party member who was elected as President of the Councilors League;

g) The party member who was elected as President of the Association of Barangay Captains;

h) The party member who was elected as President of the Sangguniang Kabataan;

i) The Chairperson of the Kababaihan Chapter; and

j) Such other members as may be provided and/or designated by the Provincial Council in the absence of the above. (c-h)

Section 2. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once a month. A special meeting may be called by the Chairman or by the majority of the members of the Executive Committee.

Section 3. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to conduct and administer the affairs of the Party. The powers and functions of the Executive Committee are the following:

3.a) To decide on any matter within its jurisdiction and issue directives;

3.b) To submit reports and recommendation to the Executive Board, the Provincial Council and to the Provincial Assembly;

3.c) To issue statements in the name of the Party;

3.d) To appoint a national auditor and general counsel/s for the party as well as other officers as the need may arise;

3.e) To designate temporary officers in the Executive Committee to replace vacant positions until the Provincial Council elects a permanent replacement;

3.f) To call the Provincial Assembly, Provincial Council, Executive Board, District Chapters and City/Municipal Chapters; to a regular or special meeting.

3.g) To create and supervise, through the Secretary-General, the General Secretariat; and

3.h) To create and supervise other committees necessary to carry out the work of the Party.

A R T I C L E 11


Section 1. The District Chapter shall meet as often as called by the District Chairman.

Section 2. The powers and functions of the District Chapter are the following:

2.a) To decide on any matter within its jurisdiction and issue directives;

2.b) To submit reports and recommendation to the Executive Committee; and

2.c) To issue duly approved statements in the name of the Party within the District.

A R T I C L E 12


Section 1. The City/Municipal Chapter shall meet as often as called by the Municipal Chairman.

Section 2. The powers and functions of the City/Municipal Chapter are the following:

2.a) To decide on any matter within its jurisdiction and issue directives;

2.b) To submit reports and recommendation to the District Chapter; and

2.c) To issue duly approved statements in the name of the Party within the City/Municipality.

A R T I C L E 13


Section 1. The basic unit of the Party is the Barangay Chapter. Every Party member shall belong to a Barangay Chapter.

Section 2. A Barangay Chapter shall have a minimum of fifteen (15) members and shall meet as often as called by the Barangay Chapter Chairman.

Section 3. The powers and functions of the Barangay Chapter shall include the following:

3.a) To implement the programs, policies and decisions of the party;

3.b) To ensure the involvement of members through education, campaigns and other activities;

3.c) To conduct studies on the principles and program of the party and current issues and to subscribe to party publications;

3.d) To recruit members and see to it that they fulfill the requirements for membership;

3.e) To submit reports and recommendations to the Municipal/City Chapter;

3.f) To elect officers of the Barangay Chapter; and

3.g) To create organizational structures or machinery appropriate to the size of the Barangay Chapter.

Section 4. The Barangay Chapter shall have an executive committee of at least seven (7) members which shall include the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Sangguniang Kabataan representative and the Kababaihan representative.

Section 5. The officers of the Barangay Chapter, other than the Chairman, and other members of the executive committee shall be elected in a meeting called for such purpose by the Barangay Chapter Chairman.

A R T I C L E 14


Section 1. The Kababaihan Chapter shall meet as often as called by the Chairwoman.

Section 2. The powers and functions of the Kababaihan Chapter shall include the following:

2.a) To implement the programs, policies and decisions of the party;

2.b) To ensure the involvement of members through education, campaigns and other activities;

2.c) To conduct studies on the principles and program of the party and current issues and to subscribe to party publications;

2.d) To recruit members and see to it that they fulfill the requirements for membership;

2.e) To submit reports and recommendations to the Executive Committee;

Section 3. The Kababaihan Chapter shall have an executive committee of at least seven (7) members which shall include the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor.

Section 4. The officers of the Kababaihan Chapter, other than the Chairwoman, and other members of the executive committee shall be elected in a meeting called for such purpose by the Kababaihan Chapter Chairwoman.

A R T I C L E 15


Section 1. The Party Chairman shall:

1.a) Call and preside over the meetings of the Provincial Assembly, the Provincial Council, the Executive Board and the Executive Committee;

1.a (i) The decision of the chairman on all party matters whether administrative, disciplinary or political such as but not limited to questions or issues on national or local elections of members, alliances or coalitions with other national or local parties shall be final and non-appealable.

1.a (ii) The chairman may also override any decision arrived at by any body, board, committee, council or assembly herein created.

1.b) Issue directives and statements on behalf of the Party; and

1.c) Make representation on behalf of the Party.

1.d) All decisions, communications or other notices or processes of the party shall be duly signed by the chairman.

Section 2. The Party Vice-Chairmen shall:

2.a) Take over the functions of the Party Chairman in the latter’s absence or incapacity; In case there are two or more Party Vice-Chairmen present, the highest ranking elected official shall preside;

2.b) Perform such other tasks which may be assigned by the Executive Committee and/or the Party Chairman;

Section 3. The Secretary-General shall:

3.a) Form and head the General Secretariat which runs the day-to-day functions of the Party; and

3.b) Recommend such deputies and personnel as may be necessary subject to the approval of the Party Chairman.

Section 4. The Deputy Secretary-General shall:

4.a) Assist the Secretary General in discharging his functions; and

4.b) Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Secretary-General and/or by the Party Chairman.

Section 5. The Treasurer shall:

5.a) Plan the budget of the Party for approval by the Executive Committee; and

5.b) Act as over-all manager of the funds and resources of the Party.

Section 6. The Auditor shall:

6.a) Check and audit all resources and funds of the Party; and

6.b) Form auditing teams to investigate any reported financial anomalies.

Section 7. The General Counsel shall:

7.a) Act as the legal counsel of the Party; and

7.b) Make representation on behalf of the party in regard to all legal matters.

Section 8. Term of Office - The term of office of the chairman and other officers of the party shall be for 3 years or coterminous with the term of their public elective office. The death, permanent incapacity or resignation of the chairman shall operate to create a vacancy in the office of the chairman.

A R T I C L E 14


Section 1. The basic funds of the BALANE shall come from membership fees and dues and other special assessments.

Section 2. Fund-raising activities shall be launched.

Section 3. Contributions in cash and in kind shall be accepted provided there are no conditions contrary to the principles of the Party and to existing laws.

A R T I C L E 15


Section 1. Where regular organs of the party do not yet exist, provisional bodies of leadership may be formed until the requirements of this Constitution can be applied.

Section 2. The party may establish or enter into a coalition or alliances with other parties, organizations or individual candidates in line with its principles and program for electoral campaigns and long-term plans for the purpose of achieving common goals.

A R T I C L E 16


Section 1. Amendments to this Constitution may be made with the concurrence of two-thirds of all delegates to a Convention called for the purpose by the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Any member or body of the party may propose amendments to this Constitution but these shall be subject to adoption by the Executive Committee which shall endorse these for consideration in the Convention.




Article 1


Section 1. BALANE is a political party adhering to a Constitution and a Program and all policies and decisions promulgated by its duly authorized bodies.

Article 2


Section 1. The office of the party shall be principally located in Quezon, Nueva Ecija.

Section 2. Provincial, city, municipal and barangay offices shall be established by the party in such places as the needs of the party may require.

Article 3


Regular and special meetings of the party shall be called by the chairman and by the different bodies as provided herein.

Article 4


Section 1. Any member or officer of the BALANE who commits serious violations of the Program, Constitution and By-Laws and legitimate policies and decisions of the party at any level shall be subject to disciplinary action.

Section 2. Disciplinary actions shall be meted out based on the gravity of the violation and these shall include the following: censure, demotion, suspension and expulsion from the party.

Section 3. Expulsion from the party may be meted to a member or officer of the party for willful violation of the Constitution and for acts inimical to the interest of the party and the people.

Section 4. The party shall also work for the recall or removal from public office of party members and officers who have been found to have committed acts inimical to the interest of the country and the people.

Section 5. In meting out disciplinary action, due process shall be upheld:

  • Any member of the party with a complaint against a body of leadership, officer or another member of the party may do so before the chapter he belongs to or at the next higher level. Complaints of a serious nature may be brought directly to the Executive Committee.

  • A fact-finding committee shall be formed by the body where the complaint has been lodged or by an appropriate body assigned to investigate the complaint.

  • The report of the fact-finding committee shall be submitted to the body that formed it for appropriate action. In case of expulsion, this must be based on two-thirds of the votes of the members of the appropriate body.

  • In case of expulsion, the decision shall be reviewed by the next higher level of leadership.

  • Any disciplinary action against an officer of the party shall be decided upon by the corresponding body that elected him/her to the position.

  • Decisions on complaints and disciplinary actions may be appealed for review by the next higher body of leadership up to the National Convention. In all cases, the Executive Committee decision of the party chairman shall be final and non-appealable.

Article 5


Section 1. All applicants to the party shall pay a one-time membership fee of five (5) pesos minimum.

Section 3. Members of the party may be charged with special assessments by the leading bodies of the party on the basis of specific projects or requirements.

Section 4. All members are encouraged to provide additional contributions based on their individual capacity.

Article 6


Section 1. The By-laws of the BALANE may be amended by a majority vote of the members of the Provincial Council as recommended by the Executive Committee.


Monday, November 5, 2007

Explanation of Vote: House Bill No. 2454

Explanation of Vote: House Bill No. 2454

Rep. Eduardo Nonato N. Joson

1st District of Nueva Ecija

November 5, 2007

Mr. Speaker I vote NO to HB 2454 or the General Appropriation Bill for the following reasons:

1. Noon isa sa mga battlecry ng oposisyon laban kay President Marcos ibasura ang PD 1177; ngayon paglipas ng tatlong (3) presidente, buhay na buhay pa rin ang PD 1177, baon pa rin tayo sa utang at sukdulang kahirapan.

2. Bukod sa PD 1177, ang mga plano,policy,patakaran at pamamaraan sa budget ay walang pagbabago sa nakaraang dalawampung (20) taon. Wala kahit isa mang problema natin ang nalutas ng budget.If we are going to consider the budget as a tool for development, it has not been able to solve or approximate the solution to the problems of poverty, unemployment, housing,quality education,poor health services,very poor infrastructure facilities and very very poor farmers or state of agriculture in our countryside where the majority of our poor people eke out a living. We do not even have a national economic master plan duly approved by congress. Maybe Mr. Speaker, we should begin with our own distinct development plan and said plan should be the basis of the national budget. It is about time that we really assert the power of the purse.

And lastly Mr. Speaker, change must begin now. Change in policies, change in ourselves and more importantly change in our views and perspectives. We must think out of the box. Matagal nang nakakahon sa kahirapan ang ating bayan. Kailangan ang bagong pananaw sa priorities at pump priming para tuluyan nating umunlad. Kaya ibasura ang PD 1177 nang umakma ito sa ating kakayahang magbayad or capacity to pay in relation to our gross domestic product,unahin ang mga economic infrastructures gaya ng irigasyon, job and business creation, labor intensive investments at economic zones, expansion of the retail trade and microenterprise credit system kaysa mere physical infrastructure at social services, unahin ang problema ng kahirapan, pagkain,trabaho at housing at higit sa lahat unahin ang magsasaka.

Thank you Mr. Speaker